How PlusPlus transformed L&D program operations at a Massachusetts-based hospital

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

A prominent children’s hospital on the East Coast faced significant challenges in managing its Learning & Development (L&D) programs. Aiming to enhance employee skills, knowledge, and the overall learning journey, the institution sought a solution to streamline enrollment, automate administrative tasks, and provide a seamless user experience for its workforce. They found their answer in PlusPlus.

Key challenges before PlusPlus

Before implementing PlusPlus, this institution encountered several hurdles in operating their L&D programs:

  • Complex enrollment process
    • The hospital’s existing enrollment process was convoluted, making it cumbersome for employees to sign up for training programs. This complexity resulted in lower enrollment numbers than desired.
  • Manual administrative work
    • Administrators spent excessive time manually creating sessions, managing enrollments, and setting up reminders, and there was more room for human error.
  • Lack of user-friendly experience
    • Existing systems were not intuitive, leading to confusion among learners, and did not offer a comprehensive and immersive learning experience.

Why PlusPlus?

The institution primarily utilized PlusPlus for its L&D initiatives, focusing on leadership, management, and professional development events and e-learnings. They chose PlusPlus over other solutions due to its:

  • User-friendly interface
    • PlusPlus offers a simple and intuitive platform, making it easy for employees to enroll in programs.
  • Effective customer service and commitment to feedback and improvement
    • PlusPlus provides efficient customer support, promptly addressing their queries We valued customer input and continually improve its platform based on user suggestions.

“When PlusPlus says they want to hear from their customers, they mean it. They implement a lot of features based on feedback and it makes you feel really valued.”

Key results with PlusPlus

After implementing PlusPlus and relying on capabilities like automated notifications, streamlined reporting, and efficient session management, they experienced significant improvements:

  • Time savings
    • Hours of administrative work were saved weekly through automated notifications and calendar invites.
      Automated platform notifications and calendar invites saved administrators hours of work each week. Before PlusPlus, administrators spent an average of 8 hours per week on manual tasks related to session creation and enrollment management. After implementation, this was reduced to just 2 hours per week, translating to an annual savings of over 400 hours.
  • Smooth and enhanced learner experience
    • Employees navigated the platform effortlessly, reducing the need for assistance. Automated notifications and enhanced communication and engagement created a better learning experience.
  • Efficient session scheduling
    • Sessions could be scheduled seamlessly, with the ability to automate recurring events every four weeks, and helped eliminate manual tasks and reduce human error.
  • Enhanced reporting
    • Reporting became more straightforward, providing valuable insights into training effectiveness and enabling better tracking of training outcomes and results.

“A lot of systems are decent for employees but really hard to use as admins. PlusPlus cares about the people using the back end and I really appreciated that.”

By leveraging PlusPlus’ automation and capabilities, this globally known institution successfully transformed its L&D operations, paving the way for enhanced employee skills and organizational growth.

Ready to see how PlusPlus can enhance your L&D and team enablement initiatives? Book time with us for a demo!

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