Gamify learning with PlusPlus

Reward engagement and encourage knowledge sharing.


Reward engagement with Badging

Celebrate achievements and motivate continuous learning.

Create Badges

Customize and create any number of badges for your team.

Automate Badge Issuance

Use Automated Rules to issue and revoke badges.

Showcase Achievements

Display badges on user profiles and cards.

Encourage knowledge sharing with impact scores

Foster a culture of shared knowledge and collaboration by displaying the impact.

Measure Knowledge
Measure Knowledge Impact

See how shared knowledge impacts the organization, encouraging more contributions.

Incentivize contributions
Incentivize Contributions

Recognize individuals whose shared knowledge significantly benefits the team.

Visualize Impact

Provide visual representations of knowledge sharing and its effects, making it easier for people to see the value of their contributions.

Promote healthy competition with Leaderboards

Inspire people to share knowledge through friendly competition.

  • Identify Top Performers

    Leaderboards highlight individuals excelling in their fields, creating a friendly competitive environment.

  • Incentivize Excellence

    Use leaderboards to motivate employees to achieve and maintain high levels of expertise and contribution.

  • Track Progress

    Regularly update and review leaderboard positions to keep the competitive spirit alive.

Manage certification and compliance

Ensure compliance with automated certifications.

  • Automated Certification Issuance

    Automatically award certifications upon successful completion of required training modules.

  • Revocationg and Expiry Rules

    Ensure compliance by automatically revoking certifications that need periodic renewal, such as security training that expires every 12 months.

  • Certification Tracking

    Keep track of who holds which certifications and when renewals are due, ensuring continuous compliance and up-to-date skills.

Reporting hero image

Track success with gamification reports

Gain deeper insights and celebrate key contributors.

Saved Reports
Ad-Hoc and Automated Reports

Generate sharable reports on top experts and achievements.

Easy access
Comprehensive Analytics

Use data to understand trends, identify areas for improvement, and make informed decisions.

Seamless Integration
Manager Portal

Provide managers with access to direct reports’ leaderboards.