Customer and Partner Enablement Portal

How PlusPlus transforms external training.

Customer and Partner Enablement Portal

Empowering your external users

Keep your customers and partners engaged

At PlusPlus, we understand the importance of extending your internal knowledge to your customers and partners. Our Customer & Partner Enablement Portal is designed to provide external users with the same comprehensive training and insights that your internal teams receive. With secure access, curated content, and diverse learning methods, you can ensure that your customers and partners are fully equipped with the knowledge they need to succeed.

Internal knowledge shared externally

Empower your external users. 

Measure the effectiveness of your learning programs3
Product mastery

Provide detailed product guides and training

Expert insights

Share best practices and expert insights with external users

Easy content creation

Simplify how you experts build learning content for your customers.

Reporting hero image
  • Familiar tools

    Author guides with Google Docs or Markdown for external use.

  • Effortless updates

    Versioning and automated push updates for external training materials.

  • Comprehensive programs

    Combine multiple learning programs into longer arcs of training for any outside partners.

Discoverability and curation

Make external content easy to find.

Easy catalogs
AI recommendations

AI-powered content recommendations for external users.

Organized channels

Curated channels for customer and partner knowledge.

Unified system

Unified system for internal and external content

Blended learning approaches

Diverse learning methods for external users

Flexible learning

Self-paced content and live online workshops for customers and partners.

Personalized attention

Small group office hours for external users.

Visibility Control Content Items
Collaborative learning

Cohort-based learning experiences for customers and partners.

Tracking and reporting

Measure and improve external engagement.

  • Engagement insights

    Integrated surveys and assessments for external users.

  • Real-time reporting

    In-app reporting and API connections for external training programs.

  • Progress tracking

    Track engagement and progress of customers and partners

Tracking and reporting

Automate every step of the process

Steamline all of your external training processes.

Seamless Integration
Seamless integration

Auto-provisioning customers and partners via CRM integration

Enhanced engagement

Badging and gamification features for external users

Automate workflows

Integrate with automated rules and groups to codify repetitive workflows, such as assignments and enrollments.

Elevate your external training

PlusPlus’s Customer & Partner Enablement Portal transforms your external training efforts by providing a secure, organized, and engaging platform. Empower your customers and partners with the knowledge and skills they need to thrive, while leveraging advanced tools for content creation, learning methods, and performance tracking. Elevate your external training strategy with PlusPlus and ensure your external users are always at their best.


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