Collaborative Learning
Discover how to create a culture of knowledge sharing with PlusPlus.

Identify your experts
Kickstart collaborative learning by identifying your experts within PlusPlus.

Expertise discovery
Easily locate experts based on their shared knowledge and interactions.

Rich bios
Access detailed profiles including title, department, location, and more.

Skills enrichment
Automatically update skills from external sources like LinkedIn.

Impact score
Evaluate the influence and interaction of each expert’s knowledge within the organization.
Facilitate knowledge sharing
Empower your experts to easily share their unique knowledge without the burden of traditional e-learning methods.

No need for special eLearning tools
PlusPlus supports integration with everyday tools like Google Docs and Slides, making content creation straightforward and familiar.
Contain everything within Tracks
Be it videos, slides, or documents, contain and accommodate experts busy schedules and varying content styles.

Dedicated office hours
Unblock people who have run into something beyond their expertise with dedicated time with experts.

Explore collaborative learning best practices from industry experts.
Promote to those who need to know

Make it easy for users to find and engage with relevant content. Ensure every learner has access to the right resources at the right time.
AI Relevancy
Deliver personalized content and event recommendations based on persona and past engagement.
Notifications in the flow of work
Slack, GSuite Calendar, and email reminders and notifications
Personalized home page delivers easy access to the most relevant content, events, and connections.
Measure success

Gamify learning participation
Get feedback from your experts and celebrate your top performers.
Track learning holistically
Leverage API connections for seamless integration with external employee databases.
Foster a collaborative learning culture
Empower knoweldge sharing.
L&D + Tech teams