
Meet your new home page

Easily locate, discover, and interact with content, events, and connections using MyHub, the new default home page.


Centralize your learning experience

Personalized widgets present easy access to content, events, connections, and more.

Standard widgets

All users see widgets that showcase:

  • Upcoming Events – Events you’re enrolled in
  • Assigned Content – Content that is assigned to you
  • Saved Content – Content that you’ve marked as important to you
  • My Experts – Internal experts whom you’ve learned from
  • My Teammates – People on your team

More widgets for leaders

Additional widgets empower people managers and learning program managers.

Manager Widgets
For learning program managers
  • Events I Own – Events that you own or present
  • Content I Own – Content that you own or maintain
For people managers
  • My Directs – Your direct reports 

Faster discovery

Quickly locate and discover OnDemand Content, Live Events, and Expert Connections.

Unified search

Search for content, events, and connections from anywhere in PlusPlus.

Powerful Filters
Category filters

Easily filter content, events, and connections by category.

Easily access your content, events, and connections

Quickly locate the most engaged content, events, and connections in easy-to-navigate catalogs.

Easy catalogs


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“Before PlusPlus, we found out 73% of our engineers said (what we were offering) doesn’t fit their schedule.
68% weren’t even aware of what was available to them.”

Sandi Friend
Manager, Knowledge Experience

MyHub walkthrough

Take a look to MyHub.

Play Video about MyHub Sneak Peek