Badge Surveys

Collect feedback about your learning programs

Create standardized surveys for your organization using in-app builder.

Keep feedback close to your learning

Trade Google Forms or third-party survey platforms for our native survey builder.

Mix and match question types

Build Surveys using open text, star rating, linear scale, single choice, and multiple choice questions or attach third-party surveys.

Optional questions

Set individual questions as optional or mandatory.

Deploy anywhere

Attach Surveys to individual content items, events, and Tracks.

Duplication support

Copy existing Surveys rather than start from scratch.

Easy reordering

Change the order of questions after they’ve been authored.

Survey preview

See how the Survey will appear to your people before publishing.

Understand your people and your learning programs

Easily collect feedback from your people at every phase of their learning journey.

Understand your people
Attach Surveys to multiple items

Attach a single Survey to multiple content items, events, or Tracks, and still receive separate analytics.

Scheduling support

Schedule Surveys to go out at specific times, such as before, during, or after an event.

Include multiple Surveys

Attach up to three Surveys to any Track, content item, or event and export the responses to a CSV file.


Create automatic alerts to notify and remind your people via email or Slack to take Surveys.

Unify your analytics

See unified Survey outcomes all in one place, and quickly locate the results you need.

Assessments - Multiple views
Multiple views

See overall results for Surveys, or zoom in on results per content item, event, Track, individual, or team.

Per question results

View results per question, individually or in aggregate, to easily assess results.