School ends for everyone, but continuous learning doesn’t have to.



Over 1000 team members served.

More than 70 unique presenters for onboarding programs.
New hires get to meet a diverse range of employees.

Benji Shine - Technical

Benji Shine:
Learning at Slack

At Slack, a Salesforce Company, effective onboarding and continuous learning for engineers is a top priority.

Benji Shine is a Technical Program Manager and spearheads the initiative to enhance engineering training using PlusPlus. He onboards a majority of the engineers and is able to effectively track their progress, learning, and development through PlusPlus.

The role involves designing and implementing training programs that not only enhance technical skills but also foster a collaborative and inclusive culture.

Benji also sends his cats into zoom calls to monitor learning.

Benji’s Philosophy on Learning and Development

Benji believes that the ultimate goal of engineering learning is to make the business more successful by helping engineers excel at their jobs. He drew inspiration from Fred Kofman’s talk as part of a Linkedin Speaker Series, “Your Job is Not Your Job”. While also emphasizing the importance of creating a kind, collaborative, and diverse culture through effective training. His philosophy is rooted in the idea that engineers naturally want to improve their skills, and his job is to facilitate that process without imposing mandates.

From my point of view, the goal of engineering learning is to make the business more successful. And to me,      that comes from helping the engineers become better at their jobs.

Benji Shine

The Challenge

Slack needed to revamp its training methods to efficiently support its rapidly growing engineering team.

Growing Team

Slack needed efficient and effective training for its expanding engineering team.

Ineffective Methods

Traditional training methods failed to deliver the interactive learning experiences required.

Engaging Content

Benji struggled to create engaging training content that engineers would actively engage with and learn from.

Where PlusPlus Comes in

With PlusPlus, he was able to develop a more nuanced and effective training program.

Assessments and Codelabs

Detailed assessments were critical for verifying skill acquisition. These assessments ensured engineers understood the material.

Contain everything within tracks

The track feature enabled Benji to create structured learning paths tailored to different skill levels. These tracks ensured that engineers progressed through training in a logical sequence, building on their knowledge step-by-step.

Native survey support

Utilized to gather user feedback, allowing Benji to identify the strengths and weaknesses of specific content. Allowed understanding of which teaching methods were effective.


Impacts and Outcomes

Streamline and scale your compliance processes.

  • Improved Skill Development

    Detailed assessments revealed precise areas where engineers needed improvement, allowing for targeted enhancements in training content.

  • Increased Engagement Rates

    Engineers actively participated in the training programs, with a significant number of sessions and assessments completed.

  • Enhanced Training Content

    Continuous feedback and data analysis led to the development of high-quality, impactful training materials.

Benji transformed Slack’s Learning Culture

Faced with the challenge of engaging Slack’s rapidly growing engineering team in meaningful skill development, Benji Shine took an innovative approach to overcome traditional training limitations. His commitment to creating personalized, impactful learning experiences led to the development of comprehensive training programs that engineers willingly embraced. By focusing on data-driven insights and continuous improvement, Benji crafted a culture of collaboration and skill enhancement that has become a cornerstone of Slack’s success. Leveraging PlusPlus’s tools, Benji was able to fine-tune these programs, but it was his vision and leadership that truly drove the transformative outcomes.


Another fantastic thing PlusPlus helped me do… I wanted to see who had actually been presenting for eng onboarding lately. I ran one export from the events dashboard, cooked up a pivot table, and pretty much had what I needed​”

Ben S.
Engineering Learning Program Manager