The original talk was given at TechKnowCon in 2019.
Measuring Engagement & Surfacing Insights

About the speaker(s)
Amber D. Marcu, Ph.D. is a Learning Nerd and Certified ProSci® Change Practitioner. As a member of the Engineering@Microsoft Learning & Insights team, she uses data to enable, accelerate, and influence the empowerment of every engineer at Microsoft, because she believes Microsoft is a better place for engineers to work and build their career.
Lisa Gracias is a business analyst at Microsoft. She enjoys sifting through data to find compelling stories, and sharing those stories to spread understanding and drive action. She loves to learn and apply new skills, and help folks around her do that, too. She spends her days building data models to better understand her customers and mental models to better understand her world. She’s also a vocabulary nerd and is apt to spout arcane words without a moment’s notice.