Introducing MyHub

Estimated reading time: 2 minutes

Welcome Home

We’re excited to introduce MyHub, the new default home experience for all PlusPlus users. MyHub centralizes your PlusPlus user experience into one place, making it easier than ever to locate, discover, and interact with content, events, and connections.


Exploring MyHub

At the heart of MyHub are personalized widgets, each of which showcases a specific aspect of your PlusPlus experience. Each user’s MyHub page only contains widgets that are relevant to their PlusPlus role and permissions, creating a personalized experience for learning program managers, admins, people managers, and end users.

All users now have access to dedicated widgets that showcase:

  • Upcoming Events – Events you’re enrolled in
  • Assigned Content – Content that is assigned to you
  • Saved Content – Content that you’ve marked as important
  • Connections – The internal experts you’ve learned from
  • My Teammates – People on your team

In addition, all users also have a frontline view of top upcoming events, on-demand content, and internal experts, making it easier than ever to access the most relevant parts of their learning journey.

Easy catalogs

Unified Search

Previously, users were only able to search for OnDemand Content, Live Events, and Expert Connections separately within those respective product modules. MyHub introduces unified search, enabling users to quickly locate what they need no matter where it lives from a single search bar. You can also filter your PlusPlus content by category.

A Better Experience for Leaders

Manager Widgets

For learning program managers

As a program manager, MyHub makes it easier than ever to access content and events that you own, and to control what your people see when they login. Program managers automatically have access to two additional widgets:

  • Events I Own – Events that you own
  • Content I Own – OnDemand Content and Tracks that you own

For people managers

People managers also gain additional access to assignments for their direct reports via a dedicated widget.

Start Exploring MyHub

MyHub is the new default home page for all PlusPlus users. Want to learn more? Feel free to reach out to your Customer Success Representative, or book a demo.

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